Conjugaison du verbe lose weight [v.]
-lose weight
Ilose weight
youlose weight
heloses weight
welose weight
youlose weight
theylose weight
Ilost weight
youlost weight
helost weight
welost weight
youlost weight
theylost weight
Iwilllose weight
youwilllose weight
hewilllose weight
wewilllose weight
youwilllose weight
theywilllose weight
Ihavelost weight
youhavelost weight
hehaslost weight
wehavelost weight
youhavelost weight
theyhavelost weight
-losing weight
-lost weight
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
lose out to lose its leaves lose heart lose hair lose count lose weight lose it lose track lose favor lose colour lose touch with lose sight of lose income lose to lose color lose contact with lose courage